Bugs or Us?
(707) 443-8644
Integrated Pest Management
Copyright 2003-11. www.bugsorus.com
    ntegrated Pest Management or IPM has become extremely complex and has different meanings to different companies, but within our company, IPM is simply the methods and measures we use to control pests.  For us, IPM is about educating you as a consumer and/or homeowner on methods you can use to eliminate unwanted pests without the use of harmful chemicals, before the pests ever become a problem.  For example, the removal of potential food sources for pests is a great way to achieve this.  
IPM is about our approach to controlling pests.  Rather then believing chemicals are the first  and only answer to solving pest problems, we incorporate other methods---traps, glues boards, etc.  and various preventative measures before ever applying a single chemical.
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