Bugs or Us?
Pest Prevention Tips
Copyright 2003-12 www.bugsorus.com
  • Before you bring any potted plants indoors, whether they are from your yard or a store, inspect them, including under the containers, for pests.  Also, hose off Christmas trees with a strong jet of water before you bring them indoors, to help remove pests.

  • Pet food left out overnight invites trouble with pests, so remove it nightly.  Raccoons, rodents, and many insect pests such as cockroaches and ants, quickly learn where to look for food, and will visit that spot each night.

  • Trim ivy and other vines off the side of a home.  Ivy leaves marks where it attaches itself to a surface, plus it holds in moisture which eventually damages a wall, especially if it is painted.  Ivy also harbors pest like rodents, ants and others.

  • At least once a week, check your eaves for any kind of bee's nests. They are much easier to remove when they are small!

  • Wrap all garbage bags tightly before placing in trash can.  This will dicourage yellow jackets.

  • To control mosquitoes: eliminate any standing water, as this is a primary breeding area.  Also, check and clean gutters from winter debris which can cause moisture conditions.
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  • If you have problems with dogs or wild animals tipping over garbage cans and making the contents accessible to rodents, try bracing the can so that it can't be tipped over, and keeping the lid on with a bungee cord or chain, or putting a heavy object on top.