Pest Management Professionals
Copyright 2003-09.
© Moore Consulting, 2009. All rights reserved. (News bulletins, various prevention tips, article contributions)
Serving Humboldt County for over 30 years
all is a busy time for pests as mice, rats, and wide variety of insects invade homes, searching for a place to spend the winter.
In the fall many pests by instinct search for a dry, warm crevice or cavity such as a hallowed out tree stump or old animal burrow, a wood or rock pile, or underneath loose bark. To pests, our homes and other buildings look very similar to these natural sites. By instinct they crawl deep into cracks and holes in our foundations, walls and roofs, and around the edges of loose-fitting doors and windows.
Often the insect pests crawl in and then later become confused by the lights and warmth further indoors. Waking up prematurely from their winter stupor and thinking it's already spring, they start crawling towards lighted, warm areas---which means they often head further indoors, right into our living areas, rather than outdoors.
Common fall invaders that can cause problems include the new Asian lady beetles, and brown marmorated stink bugs, boxelder bugs, crickets, cluster flies, face flies, and many other bugs and beetles. In addition, larger pests like rats and mice also prefer the warmth and dryness provided by man-made structures, and some kinds of ants may move their entire colony indoors.
A few insects indoor can be simply vacuumed up. If you have larger numbers, or a history of pest issues in past winters, call us now to schedule special preventative treatments. Depending on the pests involved, these preventative treatments are often done in early fall.