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Here Come the Spiders!
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For further study:
      piders are common pests indoors                      and on the exterior of homes and                     other  buildings.  These predators feed on living prey.  Web-building spiders wait for prey to become entangled in their webs.  Other spiders don't use webs, but hide and ambush prey that passes by.  Some, like wolf spiders, actively go out and hunt for their prey.  These often crawl into buildings looking for prey or mates.
There are many different kinds of spiders that become pests indoors.  Many build webs and leave strands of webbing that eventually become laden with dust and have to be removed.  They also leave stains and carcasses below where they feed. 
A few spiders bite humans.  The vast majority avoid humans and don't have strong enough mouthparts to bite us, and for most spiders, we are just too big for their venom to affect us.  But the bite of a very few species can cause either local wounds or body-wide systemic symptoms.  However, many suspected poisonous spider bites are really not spider bites at all, but bites from insects, or caused by bacteria and other infections.
All spiders produce silk, but not all spiders use their silk to produce circular webs for catching prey.  The webs of some species are a tangled mess of silk strands.  Others use their silk to wrap their prey, line underground burrows, or encase their eggs.  Young spiders are so light-weight that they can let out a silk strand that catches the wind and lifts them up so they float through the air.  This process is called 'ballooning", and it is one way spiders reinfest areas.
Our professional treatments keep these pests at very low numbers.