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Related material and further reading:
hen the movie Arachnophobia hit the theaters in 1990, it was an instant hit----bigger than anyone could imagine. Of course it was pure fiction, or mostly so. There is simply no such thing as deadly drone spiders that fan out and kill everything in their path. Nonetheless, the movie hit on a deep-seated fear in humans. Surveys consistently show that spiders are some of the most feared creatures in the world. 
Besides the bites, the main problem with spiders is that there can be so many of them, especially in the summer. None of us likes spiders crawling around our homes, building sticky and ugly webs that need cleaning up But spiders are so common, and an infestation can start so easily---simply by spiders crawling through a crack, .or young spiders catching
a breeze and using it to "parachute" to your home on a silk strand---that regular professional treatments are needed to keep spider numbers under control.

There are over 3,500 kinds of spiders in the U.S., but only about 50 bite humans, and only a few are medically important. The most important ones are the black widow, brown recluse, hobo (aggressive house), and yellow sac spiders. There are actually five species of widow spiders, and 13 of recluse spiders in the country, but the other species are either less common, have less venom, or are less likely to bite. A number of other spiders can cause varying amounts of local reactions, such as redness, swelling and itching at the bite site.