s the weather gradually cools during the fall months, many kinds of pests begin invading homes and businesses, looking for a place to stay for the winter. The need for professional pest management services actually increases to prevent these fall and winter invaders from coming indoors.
You may be surprised at the huge number and variety of fall invading pests. Some of these, like ants and spiders, are pests year around; others, like rats, mice, crickets, and earwigs, are year-round pests that become worse problems in the fall.

still others are almost exclusively fall invaders. They include boxelder bugs, elm leaf beetles, root weevils, cluster flies, and Asian lady beetles.
Normally fall invaders would spend the winter in an old hollowed out stump or log, in space under bark, a rock, or leaf litter, or in an old rodent burrow. However, homes are highly attractive because they offer the warmth and shelter these pests seek, and may even provide them with food.
For some of these fall and winter invaders, homes turn out not to be a good place to spend the winter. Many of the invaders eventually die because it's too dry indoors, or because they can't find their way back outside in the spring. Those that don't die wander about and can be quite a nuisance, stinking up the house, staining curtains, spoiling food, and causing other problems. Our regular treatments are needed to help keep out these fall and winter invaders.
Fall Invaders Are Coming!
Pest Management Professionals
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