tinging pests are out in force during summer, and if we get on the wrong side of them, they will make us regret it-----"OUCH!"
These pests have developed stings to defend themselves or their colony, and those stings are meant to hurt and make us want to 'head for the hills'----fast!  Even worse, some people have a severe allergic reaction to stings, making even a single sting life-threatening if not treated immediately.
Bugs or Us?
Summer Stinging Pests
Pest Management Professionals
Copyright 2003-07. www.bugsorus.com
© Moore Consulting, 2007. All rights reserved. (News bulletins, various prevention tips, article contributions)
Serving Humboldt County for over 30 years
People who aren't allergic to insect venom can still die if stung enough times, which can happen when a nest is disturbed.  Left untreated, kidney failure can occur within hours or days after receiving more than 150 bee stings or 20 wasp stings.  However, many victims stung over 1,000 times have survived following proper medical treatment.
It was once thought that only about one in 250 people is highly allergic to stinging pests.   But more recent studies, using skin tests with bee and wasp venom, indicate that up to 4% of the population have allergic reactions.  In fact, over 50 Americans die every year from severe allergic reactions to insect stings.  More die from yellowjackets than any other pest.  Many of those who die had never experienced an allergic sting reaction before.
Stinging pest include bees, wasps, yellowjackets, hornets, and various ants, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, and others.  If you are experiencing problems with any or these pests, give us a call.
(707) 443-8644