Let's have some fun! We hear so many falsehoods about these pests----let's see if you can figure out the one true statement below, before you read the explanations.
Pest Management Professionals
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Serving Humboldt County for over 30 years
To check your answers use your mouse and highlight the "invisible" text (click and drag your mouse over the "invisible" text) following each number below to reveal the answer! Have fun!
1. FALSE. While it is true that rats and mice are much more likely to become a problem where there is poor sanitation, any home or business can be invaded by these pests. The truth is that rats and mice don't need much in terms of food or water to survive, and they are very adept at finding what they need even in well-maintained and clean homes.
2. TRUE. There are several kinds of rats and mice that invade homes. Each has slightly different habits.
3. FALSE. Mature male Norway rats, which are larger than the females, weigh up to a pound. Occasionally some are larger, and a few raised in captivity have come close, but never have reached, two pounds. Roof rats are slightly smaller. Most cats, in comparison, weigh 7-10 pounds.
4. FALSE. These devices don't claim to kill rodents; they claim to repel them. But the rodents are still around, and university tests haven't shown the devices to be practical or consistently effective.
1. Rats and mice only become a problem where there is poor sanitation.
2. There are many species of rats and mice that cause problems indoors.
3. "Super rats" can grow as big as cats.
4. Electronic and ultrasonic devices are an effective way to control rodent populations.