Protect Children from Accidental Poisoning
Pest Management Professionals
Copyright 2003-09.
© Moore Consulting, 2009. All rights reserved. (News bulletins, various prevention tips, article contributions)
Serving Humboldt County for over 30 years
hildren of all ages are naturally curious, and young children especially have a tendency to put things in their mouths. Unfortunately, homeowners typically store a vast array of poisonous products under the kitchen sink and in similar areas within easy reach of children
The result is an astounding 2.3 million accidental poisonings in the United States each year. Most (64%) of these poisonings happen to children under the age of six. Boys are especially at risk.
Approximately half of all poisonings are 

caused by swallowing medicines, especially analgesics like aspirin and acetaminophen. Cleaning substances such as bleaches and detergents are the next greatest cause of accidental poisonings, followed by cosmetics and personal care products. Other products children may ingest or spray on themselves or friends include pesticides, dyes, lighter fluid, gasoline, anti-freeze, and pool chemicals.
To help prevent these poisonings, it's a smart idea to install child-resistant latches on all cabinets you use to store medicines, cleaning agents, and other products that would cause problems if they were swallowed, sprayed in eyes, or contact skin. Also strongly consider moving these products to a higher, less accessible cabinet. Fortunately you can get rid of most or all pesticide containers if you use our professional services. It's also a good idea to install a lock on utility cabinets, garden sheds, and any areas that store poisons. Don't take chances!
These steps are especially important if you have young children, or if children ever visit your home