Serving Humboldt County for over 30 years
Pest Control Special Interest
Copyright 2003-09.
dangerous, but most of the time they are just creepy and messy and we'd rather not have them around our homes.
Fortunately we are experts at spider control, so there's no reason you should have to put up with them.
Our spider treatment programs are designed to kill the spiders directly around the home---before they get indoors---and kill those already lurking about indoors.
This is not a one-time treatment, because new spiders are hatching all the time outdoors, and the young spiderlings
his Hollywood movie, starring Morgan Freeman doesn't have any spiders in it, only
some really sneaky, creepy people. Spiders are something like that---they can be
easily "balloon" through the air, reinfesting previously treated areas. Also, cracks and crevices in the home are easily invaded by small spiders if the exterior isn't treated on a regular basis. They crawl indoors around the edges of screens, in the gap around doors and in other openings.
Keeping spiders under control is not just a matter of killing spiders---it is important to control other pests that the spiders are feeding on. Where there is less food for spiders, there are fewer spiders.
If you have outdoor lights, it's a good idea to switch to yellow "bug lights", because these attract fewer flying pests that the spiders eat. For commercial areas, keep in mind that mercury vapor lights attract a far greater number of spiders than sodium vapor lights.